Teacher Feature: Ms. Skrickus
May 14, 2021
Ms. Amy Skrickus is an algebra one and honors algebra two teacher here at Crofton High school, and is also head field hockey coach. Ms. Skrickus attended St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where she got her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Math. She then went to Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore for her teaching certificate in Secondary Math. Before teaching at Crofton High School, Ms. Skrickus taught at Broadneck High School for nine years.
While reflecting on why she wanted to become a teacher, Ms. Skrickus said it is because she enjoys working with students and working with different people. Ms. Skrickus also said, “I enjoy getting to work where every day is different.” Skrickus said her favorite moments of being a teacher are when she sees a concept click for students, “it is extremely rewarding, and I like seeing student’s excitement when they understand the material.”
Ninth-grader Grace Logan has Ms. Skrickus for Algebra ones and said she has enjoyed learning about quadratic, exponential, and linear equations. Logan said she appreciates their opening activity and notes they have for tests later on, “it’s helpful when taking tests to have a bunch of notes to refer to.”
Alana Lopez, another freshman student who has Ms. Skrickus for algebra one, also stated she enjoys learning about quadratic functions in Ms. Skrickus’s class. Lopez said she is happy to be in her class and that “the teacher is super funny and nice, and everyone is happy.”
Ms. Skrickus said it is exciting to be a part of this new school and, “it was a rare opportunity.” and continued that “it is exciting to be a part of a staff that gets a hand in establishing a new school community” and in field hockey especially, “building a new program as the field hockey coach.”