do i have the right to miss you?
am i still allowed to claim your name? Even if it’s as friends,
are we on good terms, or am i going to left in the
dark again? it’s odd how a relationship can feel
one sided from both sides. were we too focused
on fixing the cracks that we ignored the
foundation, did we let our good times slip away
trying to catch all the underlying meanings to
our now meaningless sounds?
when did we only converse in code, having to
break everything we said down, rearrange the
pieces to make the final picture of perfect
neglect? scanning and searching for the times
where we’d be up to late and let the truth fall
through our cracks and seep into the
foundation, like a tsunami to the heat,
confusing the brain, flooding out any reason,
just to find a way to tell you that I loved you.