Crofton High’s Newsies: Rehearsals and playing the role


Sophia Mancuso, Photo Editor

Crofton High’s debut musical, Newsies, is set to have their first performance in about 3 days. Newsies The Musical is based on the 1992 Newsies film. The film took inspiration from the Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City. Jack Kelly and Katherine Plumber, the main characters, are played by Chase Nestor (‘23) and Ryley Douglass (‘23). Jack is a “newsie”  (a news boy) and Kathrine is a news reporter. Throughout the musical, viewers watch as a romantic relationship forms between the two of them.

Sophia Mancuso


Madison Knoppel, sophomore who plays Meeda Larkin, exclaimed that, “the scene that I’m most excited for the audience to see is definitely “King of New York.” It’s such a fun song to open act two with so much chaos happening which is really fun for this show.” When asked about the highlights of rehearsals so far, Knoppel shared that, “our cast overall gets along so well and the chemistry is pretty much perfect for this show because we’re always joking around and the atmosphere is just so fun to be a part of.” Knoppel also gave her opinion on the biggest struggle that she has faced during rehearsal, explaining that because of the large cast, “there is constant talking so it is difficult to get things done sometimes.” 


Freshman JJ Reida, who plays Crutchie, described how they “loved being around such amazing people,” and doing what they love most. Their character, Crutchie, has a solo scene titled, “Letter to the Refuge,” which Reida shared that they were excited for the audience to see. 


Sophia Mancuso

According to NY Daily News, the New York Newsboy Strike of 1899 involved newsboys (newsies) across New York City forming a union. The newfound union of newsboys held a strike after the wholesale price of newspapers per 10 pages increased from 5 to 6 cents. The first instance of this strike was recorded to have taken place on July 18, 1899. This event occurred in Long Island, when the newsies found out that a certain Journal delivery man had been giving them less papers in a short stack for the same price. They attacked his wagon and announced that they would no longer be purchasing the Hearst or Pulitzer papers. This information quickly got around to the Manhattan newsboys resulting in them creating a union on July 19 and declaring a  strike. 

Sophomore, Bailey Santoro, shared, “I haved connected(ed) with so many people who have the same interests as me and many I have known for years. I am surrounded by incredibly talented kids and it is so much fun working with them.” Santoro, who plays Tommy Boy, let us know that she is most excited for the audience to see, “The World Will Know.”


Jackson Smith, who plays Spot Colon, is a sophomore at Crofton High. Smith recounted his favorite moment in rehearsals so far being when, “we first practiced the song “Once and For All” and all of the newsies for all of the boroughs of New York got to come out on stage and sing together.” Smith also shared a challenge which he has faced during rehearsals, describing that, “one of the hardest parts so far has been trying to portray the cockiness that Spot Colon (his character) is supposed to have.”  


This show is going to be filled with action, romance and a tale of friendship and perseverance. Come see this outstanding performance on March 25th,26th, 27, 31st as well as April 2nd. Tickets on sale now at