Women’s History Month: Three Amazing Women to Know About

Megan Howarth, Staff Writer

March marks the beginning of Women’s History Month. With the coming of April and the ending of March, let’s reminisce on three of the most important, inspiring, and impactful women in history.

Jane Austen (Creative Commons)

Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Hampshire, England, and died on July 18, 1817, of Addison’s Disease. She was a world-renowned author who inspired millions of young girls to begin writing. Some of her most popular novels include Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and Emma. She had eight siblings, six boys, and two girls. Her mother and father taught her at a young age to love to learn by reading them stories and telling them the value of a good education. This loving and affectionate family inspired her to write, now classic, novels. She traveled all around the world, gaining inspiration for her next hit novel. Even though she passed away centuries ago, her legacy is carried on through her impactful, classic novels.

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks (Creative Commons)

Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama, and died on October 24, 2005. Being African American back then caused lots of unjust laws entitled “Jim Crow Laws”. This meant that places were segregated by the color of a person’s skin such as public restrooms, restaurants, schools, and libraries. Rosa Parks made an impact on the world because she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man when prompted. She was arrested for her actions, but this did not stop her from being who she was, a strong, independent woman. She joined prominent civil rights leaders such as the infamous Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in their fight to end segregation. She stood firm to what she believed in as a civil rights activist, inspiring generations to come.

Ida B Wells-Barnett (Creative Commons)

Ida B Wells-Barnett

Ida B Wells-Barnett was born on July 16, 1862, in Holly Springs, Mississippi, and died on March 25, 1931. She was a prominent American journalist with strong beliefs, leading the antilynching crusade. She also helped advocate for civil rights for African Americans. Ida was born into slavery and began teaching at the meer age of fourteen years old. She consistently stood up for what she believed in, participating in boycotts, and refusing to give up her ride in a taxi for a white lady. She used a pen name “Iola” to write for local newspapers. Wells began her antilynching editorial campaign, after experiencing lynching first hand. This became an incredibly important part of who she was, and it helped drive her and motivate her when writing on topics that matter. Her impact lives on today and is an inspiration to all women to stand up for what they believe in and stay true to their values.

While these are just a few of the inspirational women in history, there are so many wonderful, intelligent, brave women in history who take leadership and change the world.

The information in this article is from Encyclopedia Brittanica.