An Inside Look at the Crofton Service Club


Caitlin Alexander, Co-Editor in Chief

 One of the many reasons our community can thrive is service. When we live in a community our job is to ensure that  it’s a community where people feel welcomed, safe and happy. That is where the Crofton Service Club comes in. 

When asked what their mission was they said, “To promote community involvement and nurturing kindness through the creation of service projects.”  Nevertheless, the morals are a much longer list. 

10th grader, Emmaline Young stated that one of their morals are to “Contribute to inclusion and be there for others in the community when they need them.” Similar to this, 10th grader, Camryn Chehreh said that, “Providing support for their community is also something they find important.” 

The way they put their mission into play is by going out and finding people who would benefit from the support of their club.  10th grader, Meklit Mesfin, shared that they have established service with the Crofton Library. 

Their mission is something that is spread not only in the Crofton community but also communities everywhere. During this school year, the Crofton Service Club has also established partnerships with two hospitals. Mercy and UMMC. 

When asked what their plans are for the upcoming year, they all seemed to agree that each year they plan to make progress and grow. 10th grader Ashley Ewing shared that next year they’re aiming for making more connections with new students and even more activities.   

Corryn, a tenth grader shared, when you’re trying to make a change the act does not have to be big because anything can make a difference. The Crofton service club does exactly that, implementing change into our community, big and small.